Story Behind the Song: “Undertow”

Undertow cover art

The story behind my latest single, “Undertow”, starts back in early November of 2003. I’d emailed a relatively new co-writer, Mary Lou Sudkamp, about some potential opportunities with our first co-write, “I Didn’t Think”. She attached a new lyric, “Undertow”, to her reply, asking about my interest in writing music to it. I was pretty … Read more

Thoughts on the Demise of Cakewalk

Console View in Cakewalk's SONAR Platinum

In an announcement dated November 17, 2017, but which only became public knowledge earlier this week, Gibson Brands, the company that is best known as a guitar maker (e.g. they make Les Paul guitars), announced that they were, “ceasing active development and production of Cakewalk branded products.” The reason stated was, “to better align with … Read more

¡Con Gusto!

When I took Spanish in high school, we learned that the response to, “gracias,” (“thank you”) should be, “¡de nada” (an expression translated as, “you’re welcome,” but literally meaning, “from nothing”, with an intention along the lines of, “there’s nothing to be thankful about”). It makes sense, I guess. I mean, it’s kind of a … Read more

The Mid-Year Break

Can you believe we’re already halfway (plus a few days) through 2017? At the start of the year, my “Looking Backward, Looking Forward” blog, in addition to reflecting a bit on the year gone by, speculated a bit on what might be in store for this year. I’d alluded to some recording projects I had … Read more

Back to the Sixties?

Once Through the Sixties cover art

Anyone who’s been paying attention to my digital single releases in the first quarter of this year may have detected a theme. In late January, I released my rock-flavored cover of Bob Dylan’s iconic 1960s protest song, “Blowin’ in the Wind”. Early last month I put out a new recording of a song Ray Ducharme … Read more


Blowin' in the Wind cover art

Have you ever had an experience where you were working on something at a particular time, partly due to a series of coincidences that “just happened” to make something convenient at that time, where that thing you were working on ended up feeling “just right” for that moment? I had one a couple of weekends … Read more

Looking Backward, Looking Forward

Happy New Year 2017

Like many people, I set aside some time at the end of one year and the beginning of the next to review the year gone by and consider plans for the new year.  Some years are easier to review, or plan for, than others. Of course, plans can change at any point during the year, and … Read more